You Know What I Like...?
You Know What I Like...? is a regularly scheduled enthusiastic flailing about another piece of pop culture. Hosts Sophie Prewett and Mark Dickson helm adventures that head into the deep nitty-gritty of pop culture and attempt to extract all of the positivity and happiness that there is to find.
You Know What I Like...?
Episode 68: Vivo
Gorcrow Media
Season 6
Episode 9
There is a certain charm to being able to sit down with a children's movie, zone out, and have a cheerful lovely time. That's especially true when the film centres around...grief? Get some tissues for this one.
This month we're talking about Vivo.
Come and listen to us talk about defining characters as either annoying or endearing, the quality of media within media, and sticking monkeys in cages to watch them dance.
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- Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
- Cover Art: Andrew Losq